Do you need to install a Navigator system inside your network domain?  No.  It will function perfectly well outside the domain.  However, your IT policies may require it being inside your domain.  If you need to have Navigator inside your domain, please read on.

See also this related topic: Configuring MS Windows for Xitron Navigator

Key steps will be bullet pointed.  All of the bullet points are imperative for the various software components of the Xitron software to run properly.

  • First, and possibly most importantly,  Choose your Domain and join it FIRST.  Then install Navigator.  Don't install Navigator and then move into the domain or you will experience sadness.  This is chiefly due to some components that are stored in %appdata%.  Those paths become garbled and inaccessible if you do this in the wrong order.
  • Only one user account should be used for the Navigator Server.  Set that up next.  
  • The user account needs to be set up as a local account profile with administrative rights (versus a roaming account profile).  The syncing that occurs with a roaming account profile can prevent the system from working.
  • The Navigator Server needs to be installed from within the user account that will be used.
  • Navigator should be installed into C:\Navigator.
  • Write access to %PROGRAMDATA%\Xitron needs to be enabled for the domain account.
  • Antivirus software needs to be disabled for the installation to work as expected. Various antivirus programs may cause an installation to fail.
  • The following paths and subfolders contained within need to be completely whitelisted:

                   C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\SafeNet Sentinel

  • Valid sharing permissions are necessary for several folders created by our installer in order for our software to operate. (Refer to the Windows 10 prep guide for more information.)
  • Hot Folders, monitored by Navigator as inputs, which are pointed to network shares need to allow for reading, writing, and viewing of files without restriction from the domain user account. The Hot Folder function will read, write and delete files from the path that each Hot Folder is mapped to. Ideally (and by default), Hot Folders would exist in the Workflows share that is created when the Navigator Server is installed.
  • Any file maintenance software that deletes files and/or folders should not alter the following folders:

                C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\SafeNet Sentinel

  • The system should not have continuous backup software running (BackBlaze, Carbonite, iDrive, etc).
  • The system should not have other production software installed, including office suites, Google Drive, OneDrive, etc.
  • The system shouldn’t have any software that loads the Service Location Protocol (SLP) service installed prior to or after installation of the Navigator Server.

Side notes for those who may be struggling or attempting shortcuts:

  • The %APPDATA%\Xitron folder should not be copied or moved from another account. If a different user account is used, a reinstallation should be performed from within that account to ensure that the system will work as expected.
  • If the machine has been added to a domain, and then the domain information changes, or the system is removed from the domain, that may require reinstallation. 

Related topic: Running Navigator in a standard user account (not local admin)

Related topic:  Configuring MS Windows for Xitron Navigator